Calla and The Caterpillar - , Gail Pianalto

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Calla not only saves the last wildflower in the big city, but she soon learns that she has saved much more. This generation of children may be the last to see monarch butterflies due to deforestation, population growth, construction and the loss of wildflower meadows where milkweed naturally occurs in the U.S. It is our hope that this book will ignite a spark in present and future generations to help save North AmericaВ’s most recognized butterfly.

Author: Mendenhall, Joyce
Author: Pianalto, Gail
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Illustration: N
Language: ENG
Title: Calla and The Caterpillar
Pages: 00000 (Encrypted EPUB)
On Sale: 2014-09-16
SKU-13/ISBN: 9781628547719
Category: Nature : Animals - Butterflies & Moths